The Trail Conditions Report includes information concerning the following trails maintained by FoOT: the Ouachita Trail, Blackfork Wilderness, Eagle Rock Loop and Womble Recreational Trail.
Color Codes use in the report:
Green = trail is clear; no significant obstacles to foot traffic
Yellow = trail has some impediments; needs maintenance
Red = trail difficult to follow; treacherous trail surface or numerous impediments
Gray = no current report/status unknown
The color codes refer to maintenance status only and do not reflect the difficulty of the terrain.
Source Codes used in the report:
Hiker/Mtn Biker = Information received from trail users
USFS = Forest Service crew
Work Rpt = obtained from trail maintainers
Dist Capt = This section’s District Captain’s report
Disclaimer: The “Last Condition Report” color code is date & opinion of the person reporting. Carefully consider these factors and the elapsed time period (eg. growing seasons that have passed) since the last Work Report date. FoOT cannot guarantee the condition of the trail at the time you experience it due to ever-changing factors in the forest. This is a challenging wilderness-type trail with mountains, rocks, creeks, rivers, uneven tread and various obstacles.