Would you would like to help maintain the Ouachita Trail? Perhaps you have a question about our organization. Want to join an upcoming work party or make a donation of money or equipment? Here is where to get more information!
Send your questions or comments to us via US Mail:
Friends of the Ouachita Trail
PO Box 8630
Hot Springs, AR 71910
Contact FoOT by Email in one of several ways:
Question about FoOT membership or adoption?
If you are interested in finding out more about adopting a section of trail or want to join FoOT, CLICK HERE.
For Community Relations and Communications
Specific hiking or mountain biking question?
If you have specific questions about hiking or riding the Ouachita Trail, CLICK HERE.
Question about trail maintenance?
If you have a specific question about trail conditions or want more information about trail maintenance, CLICK HERE.
Looking for OT shuttle information?
Something else?
For all other inquiries or general information CLICK HERE.